Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 20

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hi mom!!!!!

My heart is very full today from all of the blessings from our Father in Heaven who I know with out a doubt that He loves each and everyone of His children more than I am able to comprehend. He has shown me that so much this week.

So about 6 weeks ago I prayed to Father for a not trunky, Polynesian sister, that wasn't fresh out of the MTC, and that is what he gave me, even though I do kill her off, she isn't trunky, and this has been the best week for work ever! Sister Saua is my follow up, and she is from Samoa. She is amazing!!!! I love this sister so much! Forever friends talaga! We have only been companions for a week, but it feels like we have known each other for forever. Like already, my Tagalog has improved and it continues to get better every single day, with sister Gregorio, it was stuck and it was hard, my Tagalog, it still is, but it is getting easier! Sister Saua goes home on August 13. That will be a sad day....

So last week I told you I didnt know how I felt knowing that I was here in Goa until at least September.... for many reasons. I was ready to leave Goa. It was a hard area with Sister Gregorio, and it was difficult for me to OYM, and building trust with the ward, they were very attached to Sister Gregorio, and not very interested in getting to know me.... so it is a super hard hard ward. So I was done. But, after emailing last week, I was thinking about it, there is something that Father needs me to learn here. I also got the prompting that I am going to train next transfer, because almost all of the sisters these last two transfers, are done, so the seniors/trainer get transferred/become STLs. or they are half way through training, and won't be transferred, or get a new sister. So I am one of the only ones, that is available to train. Sister Baird is training this transfer!!!!! So I know that because of how hard my first companion was, and how difficult everything was, that is why I got a follow up trainer!

SO!!!!!!!!!!! Now, after a week, Our area is absolutely amazing!!!! The amount of miracles are innumerable! Father answered my prayer of giving me a foriegen companion. Then He has let us find so many new amazing investigators! and right now they all have baptismal dates! A couple weeks ago, Sister Gregorio and I found a sister and we taught lesson 1 Principle 1-2. She was interested and invited us to her home, but we hadn't been able to get back there when she was home. So this week, we got there and her whole family was there! So we invited them all to listen. As we were building trust, we found out that they know a lot of members in our area! I was so happy! Then we invited them to follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by one who holds the proper authority of God! And they agreed to be baptized on September 19! Holy cows I was so happy! So then yesterday, we were a little late for church, and my amazing companion recognized brother! And the whole family came to church!!!! I was really worried though, because it was fast and testimony meeting and you know how some of those can be, and for investigators and that is their first Sunday, I was really worried.... so like the whole time I prayed that it would be a good meeting and that they would feel the spirit and not be werieded out by what was going on... anyways! Father Answered that prayer too!!!! Almost all of the Testimonies yesterday were about I know that this is the only true church and things like that! And sister Mayeth and her daughter Bianca cried a little bit during sacrament meeting! OH MY GOSH! I was sooooo darn happy!

Then, we finished with our studies, and all throughout my study, I kept thinking about how we can increase our priesthood and less actives, so we were walking, we were going to go visit sister Vicky, who still has yet to get married and has no plans to get married.... anyways! So there are two ways to get there, and I fro some reason went the long way, and I was like, "Why did I come this way....?" So we walked past a less actives house, and they saw us and were like sisters! Come here! We have a referral for you! Anyways so we visited them, and she told us the most amazing story. This sister stayed at home from church today to take care of her mom, anyways her nephew (I think) was there with her, and as he was cleaning the bookshelf, he found a couple Books of Mormon, and He was like what is this! And his aunt, the member told him what it was and told him to read it. So he read it, and then they were going to text us to come and teach him, and then we walked past! He is a very ready investigator and I hope that he continues and becomes a priesthood holder!! And then we were talking to a less active brother, we felt that he still had a testimony, and that he was really close to returning to church!

Then at church yesterday, we had a sister that hasn't come to church in over 8 months (Sister Gigi)!!!!!! I was so happy! And then as we were at the less actives house she told us that she talked with sister Gigi, and invited Gigi to church and Sister Gigi, was like, yeah I need to come back to church.... Oh my gosh! And she came! And this less active sister that told us this was so happy about the family that came to church too! Oh my gosh! Father loves all of his children!

So not only do I have a new companion, I also have a new kabahay! She is a new missionary, and is so cute and funny! She is from the same mission that Sister Justine Wild is serving in, and so I asked her if she knew a Sister Wild, and she said yes!!! While this sister was a short term missionary, they were kabahays! It wasreally cool! The world is already really small, but the church makes it even smaller.

Father really really loves all of us. He answers those prayers that we really really want, and helps us be successful as we are faithful!

That is sad about Andrew! will it be ok? Have him play on Spencer's Xbox! AHAHAHAHHA! Speaking of him, that makes me happy that he is talking to you more! I love you and miss you! Hey! 13 more Fast Sundays? I don'treally remember any more.... give me until my last transfer, I will remember... maybe....

Still kinda sad I wont be there for the party... When is it? Do you want them now, or later? What do you want my thoughts on..... I have been so blessed in my life! I have amazing friends and amazing family! I love yall tons!!!!

Love Sister Emma Nelson

Oh! I forgot to tell you! So yesterday morning! I went down stairs to go to the bathroom, anyways, I close the door, and all of the sudden I hear like a squeaking breathing noise coming from where we have the water for flushing the toilet and the shower water.... So I look in the bucket of water, and there is a RAT!!!!!!! swimming around trying not to drown.... Well, I run out of the bathroom, and Sister Saua is like what? I am like, there is a Rat in the bathroom! Well, that was an interesting way to start the day! Especially Sunday! And then we killed it! We took the bucket out side, and poured bleach and lundery detergent in it... and then poured bleach on it.... Sister Araja was like open your mouth!!!!!!! It was sooo funny!

I  made no bake cookies successfully for once!!!!!! It made me really happy! yup!

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